Hello World!

IMG_1709Hello Friends,

I am Jismy John, a master student of Global development and social justice, at St. Johns University. One of the main objectives of this course is to be aware of and to discover the problems and elements of underdevelopment from a global perspective. As a citizen of India, one of the major problems that I noticed was the discrimination towards women due to various reasons. As a woman and as a member of the society, I think that female feticide is one of the major injustices that exist in our society, which should be eliminated, as all human beings have the equal right to live. I will be focusing on this topic all throughout this course, so that I will be able to get at least some real data on this problem and contribute to change this situation. However since it is my first blog, and as a beginner, I have also included some information on books and articles with respect to female feticide in India. As long as you see one part of the society as unimportant, it is very difficult to have the proper development. So this is an important issue with respect to global development. If anybody is interested in this topic you are most welcome to  share your ideas and ideals.

Thank you


  1. 1
    Maria Ciochina Says:

    Very interesting topic! I wish you to succeed in getting some real data on this problem and contribute to change this situation!

    • 2
      Jismy's Says:

      Thank you so much Maria,
      As a journalist i am sure that you will be able to help me in this…
      so I expect your cooperation as well..

  2. 3
    spelunkikay Says:

    Jismy, what a great start to your blog! Your picture on the home page is very nice, as well as all the other pictures you posted here. I will definitely be following your blog, not just as a friend, but as an advocate against female feticide.


    • 4
      Jismy's Says:

      Thank you so much Lai,
      I am really happy that you liked them..
      yes we did have a beautiful time in Rome together…
      And I love to have you as an advocate on female feticide, as you are much more informed and experienced than i am..
      thank you so much Lai
      Miss you…

  3. 5
    Laura Gómez Says:

    I am happy to see your blog, Jismy.

    Your topic on concern is absolutely interesting. I am of course going to check your blog frequently

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